What is the title of the book you are currently reading/last read?
I'm not much of a reader so a title doesn't come to mind where it has been so long since I've last picked up a book to read for personal reasons.
What is the title/topic of the book you are currently reading?
The book I am currently reading is called 'The art of game design' I am reading this book for my computer game design course. I was recommended to read chapter 8 of the book 'The game is made for the player' to help me understand more about when making games.
what is the last live performance you attended?
Over the years I haven't ever attended a live performance where I've never been interested to attended one, I've seen some live performances on TV which got my attention to watch for a few minutes but overall I haven't been to nothing live yet.
What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema/online or watched on DVD?
The last film I watched at the cinema was called 'In to the storm' which I watch with 3 other friends about a month ago. The last film I watched online was called 'Tron legacy' I watched this film because it was recommended by a friend where she knew I liked video games so I gave it a try.
It's been a while since I've last watched a DVD so I cant recall what the title of the film was.
How often do you read a newspaper?
I've never been someone to pick up a newspaper to read it, when I've ever been interested to find out news about a topic of some kind I usually true to 'YouTube' or browse the Internet for information.
Which art gallery/museum/exhibition did you last visit?
I've never been to an Art gallery before and I can't recall the last exhibition I attended but the last museum I went to was London naturally history museum which I last attended when I was about 11 years old on a school trip.
How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?
I spend most of my days of the week playing video games so coming up with an accurate number isn't so easy for me. I would have to say I spend about 50 so hours a week playing games online with my friends I went to college with and met over the internet.
How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?
I don't play non-video games as much as I do with video games but I do still put a few hours a week playing games which aren't displayed on a screen such as drinking games and mini games which we make up for fun and to pass the time which can come in handy when you don't have Wifi in your flat.