Sunday, 2 November 2014

Changing Battleships rules

The rules for 'Battleship' work very well and can provide hours of fun but what can happen when you change some game mechanics such as adding new rules which can change the style of the game.

Playing Battleship with new rules gave a different feel to which most people have played are used to.  The new rules which we added to the game where every 3 turns the player has they get to use a different attack which allows them to hit 3 spaces on their opponents side unless their 5 space ship is destroyed. An other rule which was added gave the player the ability to move their 2 space ship by 1 space every 5 turns it wasn't hit (this rule didn't apply once it got hit once).

I found that these new rules went well with the game and didn't change to much keeping the main mechanics of the game working well which was the main goal of the task.

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